無限制的要求Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2010Buy an automobile, to join a 房屋貸款gym, to eat asparagus. · HENRY 褐藻醣膠E. HUDSON,· the federal judge 澎湖民宿who struck down a provision in the health care law, saying that 裝潢if the government requires citizens to buy health care 汽車貸款insurance, it could also require them to buy or do other things 太平洋房屋in the future美聯邦法官認為如果政府要求所有的公民都要買健康保險那烤肉食材她們將來也可以要求妳們買其他東西, 例如買車子, 加入健康俱樂部, 吃酒店打工蘆荀.(這只是比喻, 當然, 他是說政府可以無限制的要求.美國人想法就是房屋買賣不依樣?)Read more: 房屋出租http://www.time.com/time/quotes/0,26174,2036934,00.html #ixzz189bv9CQf

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